Friday, January 18, 2008

assignment #14

posted my blog assignment and it said we are unable to post it

Monday, January 7, 2008

assisgnment #13

1.One principle that guides me is if you believe in something never give up and don't listen to negative comments because negativity causes pain in people's lives.
The other thing was that nothing is impossible to get in this world but that education can give you different experiences and can actually get you somewhere in this world and if you believe you can actually achieve and be a prominent member of the society at large.
people think money is everything but money is the devil that can break people apart if you are hopeful and no one is in your way anything can come true for anyone , basically just stay awawy from negative things and focus on what you want to do or be and let no one break any hopes and dreams that you have ,just take pride in what you do.
2.Iwould say that something that has impacted my life the past year would be that the fundraiser i did for darfur i knew there was something that was going on before i come to america but it took a toll on my life and i would campaign against the genocide and if i create more awareness people would actually care about it and do something and i know what people in those kind of situation feel and it has been an experience that my friends have lived through and experienced it.

3.The things i want to accomplish this year would be graduate from high schooll and god willing go to college where i want to study pharmacy and go back to the ailing continent of africa and help out the people would need it one day when i graduate from college and also all around the world. the other thing i would like to do before would just stay true to myself and work even harder in my studies at school because it is an opportunity that other people of age in other parts of the world don't have and it has been a great joy to get educated in America.